Friday, December 19, 2014
Christmas Cutie
This is one of my favorite photo sessions with G so far. When I was snapping these, I kept wishing I could get his fingers and taggie dog AND shirt (etc!) out of his mouth and that the gobs of drool wouldn't show so much on his gray shirt and then... he cut his first tooth yesterday!!! Hindsight is 20/20. And he has been remarkably calm and happy, despite teething pain. Sweet boy.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Our lives are messy. Especially with an infant, but on a deeper level, too. I watched an awesome TED talk about vulnerability by Brene Brown and this quote hit me hard:
"When you hold those perfect little babies in your hands, our job is not to say, 'Look at her -- she's perfect! My job is just to keep her perfect and make sure she makes the tennis team by fifth grade and Yale by seventh grade.' That's not our job! Our job is to look and say,
'You know what? You are imperfect and you're wired for struggle but you are worthy of love and belonging.'"
I think that's so important to remember for our babies and for us as parents. It's okay to make a mess. Speaking of mess, we started solids! We gave Graeme oatmeal mixed with breastmilk and it was like... MIND BLOWN! There is a whole new world of sensation and it's awesome. And no, he's not wearing a bib in these photos. We were just so excited to feed him, we forgot. Like I said, it's okay to make a mess.
"When you hold those perfect little babies in your hands, our job is not to say, 'Look at her -- she's perfect! My job is just to keep her perfect and make sure she makes the tennis team by fifth grade and Yale by seventh grade.' That's not our job! Our job is to look and say,
'You know what? You are imperfect and you're wired for struggle but you are worthy of love and belonging.'"
I think that's so important to remember for our babies and for us as parents. It's okay to make a mess. Speaking of mess, we started solids! We gave Graeme oatmeal mixed with breastmilk and it was like... MIND BLOWN! There is a whole new world of sensation and it's awesome. And no, he's not wearing a bib in these photos. We were just so excited to feed him, we forgot. Like I said, it's okay to make a mess.
To add a little more mess to this week, we got Graeme's first Christmas tree! It's a baby-sized tree, much smaller than what we usually get. Simple is better right now. We took an awfully cute little snowman with us to choose the perfect one.
Olaf ain't got nothin' on him!
Funny (creepy?) photobomber!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Favorite moment of the day: Going in the nursery to get Graeme when he wakes up.
Not-so-favorite moment: Seeing him propped up on all fours, rocking back and forth... we are so NOT ready for a crawler yet. (Santa, can you baby-proof our house for Christmas?)
New favorite moment: His giant, proud smile, followed by the most mischievous little eyebrow raise. Just one eyebrow, cocked up like "Hey Mom, you're in for it!" I'd pay money to go back in time and have a camera in my hands at that moment but alas, I have no proof of his adorable expression.
I think his sneaky smile was really trying to tell me that we had an interesting day ahead. He generally refused to nap, but I was determined to get things done around the house. I never managed to get the Christmas decorations down from the attic, but I succeeded (yes, I'm playing it fast and loose with the word "succeeded") at making some yummy apple muffins.
I started the recipe during one of his naps, but he woke up an hour earlier than expected. After he made it clear that spending more than a few minutes in his exersaucer would be torture, I strapped him to my chest in the Baby Bjorn. (Commence laughing at silly new mom now.)
In my haste, I decided that having him facing out would be a good idea to keep him entertained. Ha. Attempting to reach the mixing bowls, muffin tin, etc. with him on my chest made me feel like I had tiny T-Rex arms. Not a strong moment for mommy logic, I know. Putting the baby within easy reach of flour, eggs, and all the other ingredients -- maybe I have a tiny T-Rex brain to complete the package?!
Or maybe I'm just sleep deprived. It was wonderful seeing so much family over Thanksgiving, but getting the baby back in some semblance of a sleep schedule is a joke. In fact, I feel like I'm somehow jinxing myself right now by posting about this as he naps peacefully. I'm going to take advantage of any time I can get and put my T-Rex butt in gear.
Just so I don't anger the sleep gods, I'm going to post this photo of him sleeping like an angel during Trent's Veteran's Day gig. I never let him sleep on me anymore, so I was totally blissed out that day. And thrilled that my child slept silently through the entire church service.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Reading and laughing
"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents." -Emilie Buchwald
... and grandparents! Here is Gigi reading with Graeme, although he seems more interested in eating the book than listening to the words.
He is growing and changing so much that he seems like a different little boy every time I go to pick him up out of his crib. I can't even keep track of the milestones. Just a couple of days ago, he started grabbing his toes... goodbye, cute baby socks. He loves to pull up to a standing position while holding our hands and has the most infectious laugh. Or maybe he's laughing because his mom sounds like a weirdo.
... and grandparents! Here is Gigi reading with Graeme, although he seems more interested in eating the book than listening to the words.
He is growing and changing so much that he seems like a different little boy every time I go to pick him up out of his crib. I can't even keep track of the milestones. Just a couple of days ago, he started grabbing his toes... goodbye, cute baby socks. He loves to pull up to a standing position while holding our hands and has the most infectious laugh. Or maybe he's laughing because his mom sounds like a weirdo.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Photo blog
Not much time to type. Photos are cuter anyway.
A Walk in the Woods...
Soaring at the beach... (I did not add any effects to these photos! Awesome job, iPhone 4! Yes, I know my phone is old, but clearly it still works just fine.)
A Walk in the Woods...
Soaring at the beach... (I did not add any effects to these photos! Awesome job, iPhone 4! Yes, I know my phone is old, but clearly it still works just fine.)
Grouchy at the beach...
Stylin' in mommy's sunglasses...
Beautiful sunset.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Baby Rock Star
Graeme was a ridiculously good sport while I snapped his photo a million times. He could have a career in baby modeling if I wouldn't be such a stage mom. His little mohawk has become so wispy it's hard to see in the photos, but it sure was easy to spike up just by spraying hairspray on my hands.

Love the baby bum in these jeans!
Uh oh, we're losing some clothes! I was almost able to catch him mid-squirm to capture "My Mummy Rocks" and the axe-wielding mummy. Too adorable!
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Graeme's first pumpkin!
Love the baby-sized pumpkin that Grandpa Coach and Soosie got for him! We tried for a few family photos and got a few good ones! This was also his first time ever wearing shoes. Thanks to his Gigi for the dapper new outfit!
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