Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Our lives are messy. Especially with an infant, but on a deeper level, too. I watched an awesome TED talk about vulnerability by Brene Brown and this quote hit me hard:

"When you hold those perfect little babies in your hands, our job is not to say, 'Look at her -- she's perfect! My job is just to keep her perfect and make sure she makes the tennis team by fifth grade and Yale by seventh grade.' That's not our job! Our job is to look and say,

'You know what? You are imperfect and you're wired for struggle but you are worthy of love and belonging.'"

I think that's so important to remember for our babies and for us as parents. It's okay to make a mess. Speaking of mess, we started solids! We gave Graeme oatmeal mixed with breastmilk and it was like... MIND BLOWN! There is a whole new world of sensation and it's awesome. And no, he's not wearing a bib in these photos. We were just so excited to feed him, we forgot. Like I said, it's okay to make a mess.

To add a little more mess to this week, we got Graeme's first Christmas tree! It's a baby-sized tree, much smaller than what we usually get. Simple is better right now. We took an awfully cute little snowman with us to choose the perfect one. 

Olaf ain't got nothin' on him!

Funny (creepy?) photobomber!

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