Monday, September 29, 2014

Who needs sleep?

Two nights ago, Graeme slept through the night for the first time. I know what you're thinking. "Good job, Graeme!" Sure, I was thankful for eight uninterrupted hours, but all that sleep came at a price. I'm not even talking about the pain I felt when I woke up. (Breastfeeding moms know what I mean.) This lovely eight-hour stretch was preceded by the car ride of terror.

Let me start by saying that Graeme has never been much of a crier. I mean, he cries frequently, but we can almost always calm him down within a matter of minutes. Even through his peak crying time when they warned us about the "PURPLE" crying, he wasn't that bad. With that said, he chose Saturday night to try it out. No matter what we did, he screamed bloody murder. I sat in the back seat with him, I sang to him, I held his hands still so he wouldn't smack himself in the face... finally, we turned up a staticky radio station full blast and that sort of worked. That was after a full hour of the screaming, though, and Trent and I were pretty ready to jump out of the windows of the car at that point.

After a normal Sunday with no extended car trips, never have I ever been so grateful to hear Graeme's voice at 4:00am. Any other night, I might have sighed, waited a few minutes to see if he'd go back to sleep, then trudged out of bed to feed him. Now I have a new appreciation for that nighttime feeding. It's actually quite peaceful and snuggly. And we didn't have to endure the wrath of a three-month-old. Sleep is great, but perspective is a beautiful thing.

BTW, I have lots of older photos that I never posted on Facebook that I will continue to use for a while. The photo from my first post was when Graeme was only about 2 weeks old. Here, he is about one month. More recent photos to come.


  1. Oh, Caroline! I know your pain....Robyn's first night home she slept through the night; I woke up sore and terrified (a newborn sleeping through the night on her first night home?!?!?!). And as for a car-ride, oh yes....Jonah. Parenting - Life - what a roller coaster ride! <3

  2. Rachel, I know how you felt with Robyn! Graeme slept a little too much when we first brought him home, too. We later found out he had jaundice and we should have been waking him up every two hours. Would've been nice to know. ;) And I talked to another mom whose son HATED car rides in his rear-facing seat. Must be something about these boys - they just want to see what's going on all the time! She said it got better after he was big enough for the forward facing seat. Fingers crossed!
